48. MRH14-02-Feb2014-L - page 127

Reverse Running commentary
henever our four-
year-old grandson
sees an advertise-
ment for a toy, he looks at us
and says, “I need that.”
How often do
look through
the ads in MRH or a catalog
and think, “I need that?” Our
eyes are bigger than our bank
Let's look at some advantages
of having limited model rail-
roading resources.
Let's begin with the layout.
Instead of space for a 200' x 200' layout, you must work with
the space you have, say 20' x 20'. How is that an advantage?
Like many of us – we really don't realize how much is required
to build a scenicked layout.
When building the layout, you often find it doesn't go as fast as
you thought. You find that siding needs to be extended by 3" to
maintain desired capacity and clearances. No problem: you just
lengthen it and adjust a turnout location.
Oh-oh, the turnout is over a riser and that turnout must be
powered. Now you need to adjust the location of the riser, but
to do that you need to change the town area supports ... and
so it goes.
Reverse Running: Stepping outside the box with a contrary view
by Don Hanley
Unlimited hobby money?
What about rolling stock or structures? Can limited funds be an
advantage? Instead of purchasing all the latest highly detailed
rolling stock for $50 per car, develop the skills needed to add
details to existing rolling stock.
Before you think, "I can't do that -- upgrading used cars," con-
sider the tools and parts needed are minimal: X-Acto knife, pin
vise with drill bits, tweezers, the necessary detail parts, paint,
decals, and the willingness to learn. If you ruin the first few
cars – so what? You only spent a few dollars on each one: con-
sider it the cost of getting some hobby training.
If during this process you come up with a innovative way to
achieve the results you desire, you have developed something
better and succeeded at it.
There’s a satisfying sense of pride and a feeling of accomplish-
ment every time you look at what you have created, knowing
the obstacles you overcame to finish it. You're then encouraged
to do more, and to push the limits of your abilities.
I know it works this way for me. If you can purchase what-
ever you want, you will never know that sense of pride or
The time you spend building the models adds value to them.
They serve as reminders of what you have accomplished in the
hobby and how your skills have grown. I say the purpose of the
hobby is to become railroad
. If you buy everything
that you want, would you really be a railroad modeler or just a
train collector?
As Plato said “Necessity is the mother of invention.”
MRH-Feb 2014
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