47. MRH14-01-Jan2014-P.pdf - page 157

Cement the shorter rod in
place, allowing half of it to
extend from the top of the
tower to form the support
pipe. Then insert, but do
not cement, the antenna
rod into the hole adjacent
to the support pipe.
With both the antenna
and support pipe extend-
ing upward from the tower,
we can now fashion brack-
ets from styrene strip to tie
them together. Since very
little material is required,
almost any size of .015” or
.020” thickness styrene can
be used to form the brack-
ets, provided it is wider
than the rod diameter and
longer than the horizontal
measurement of the two
rods mounted side by side.
I chose two ½” long pieces of Evergreen .015” thick styrene
strip, which were slightly wider than the rod stock. The plas-
tic was left over from another project, now rescued from
scrapbox oblivion.
Begin by drilling two holes side by side, one for the support
pipe and the other for the antenna. Next, transform the
rectangular strip into a long triangular shape by cutting at a
downward angle from top to bottom, removing the excess
10: With both the antenna
and support pipe extend-
ing upward from the tower,
we can now fashion brack-
ets from styrene strip to tie
them together.
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