46.MRH13-12-Dec2013-P - page 301

And now the layout room can be converted into the craft room
your spouse always wanted!
The possibilities are endless: one moment you can be an engi-
neer of the Broadway or 20th Century Limited, the next operat-
ing a yard goat shoving cars over a hump, or dispatching a busy
commuter line.
The confines of a layout just evaporate. Your railroad can go
from sea to shining sea, or be a short line that runs only a few
miles. Today you can be operating in the 1880s, tomorrow
some futuristic train.
Only your imagination is the limit.
Of course, there will be a few minor drawbacks. Some might
think we spend way to much time daydreaming, when in real-
ity we are operating our imaginary layout. But then I suppose
that happens already when we are down in the layout room.
Those not in the know might think it a little strange when we
use sound with our imagination modeling, but that shouldn't
be anything too new.
I am sure there might be some diehards who refuse to move
into this bold new future of imagination modeling. Their small
minds insist on actually building and operating a layout where
they pine about the “good-ol'-days” of layout tours and operat-
ing sessions with other modelers.
But for those of us who see the future: Ahhh, I can imagine the
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