46.MRH13-12-Dec2013-P - page 14

MRH readers who never subscribe to TMTV are already
reaping the benefit of TMTV because of all this extra mate-
rial to draw from, and we expect this cross-over benefit to
Really, the cross-pollination goes both ways. I can envision a
really good article leading to a whole series of high quality
how-to videos on TMTV, and I can also see an interesting TMTV
guest leading to new articles from that guest in MRH.
And lest we forget the business side of things, a percentage of
the TMTV revenue is going into the MRH general fund (since
MRH is the exclusive distributor of TMTV videos), further
ensuring a strong future for your favorite digital model rail-
roading magazine!
So that’s what TrainMasters TV will mean to MRH readers. It’s a
completely different company with its own staffing and produc-
tion. It just happens to have the MRH branding for distribution.
Where cool things show up on TMTV, you can expect some
slop over into the magazine.
I expect the net effect will be to improve MRH, with an even
richer assortment of content coming your way, thanks to TMTV
doing the legwork to cultivate it.
If anyone has any further questions about what, if anything
TMTV will mean to MRH readers, I'm happy to answer them on
the comment thread for this editorial.
Look for our 5th Anniversary issue in January. It’s shaping up to
be a really fun issue!
MRH-Dec 2013
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