Plate Road heavyweight and streamlined passenger cars that
includes several “City of…” decals.
Still under development but expected to be released soon are
decals for CSX - Arkansas & Oklahoma (AOK) Auto Max freight
cars, Northwestern Pacific (NWP) passenger cars and RDCs,
Trinity hopper data sheets, and Tank Train numbers. Coming
in time for the holiday season are several Christmas special
passenger train sets including Polar Northern Railroad (NPR),
North Pole Christmas Special, Ontario Northland (ONT), and
Polar Bear Express.
is now selling flat fin-
ish Scalecoat paint in several
basic railroad colors. Scalecoat
paint is widely-known for its
high quality and gloss finish,
but until now, Scalecoat flat
finish paint has been avail-
able only by special order
and only in large bulk quanti-
ties. By special arrangement
with Scalecoat, Motrak is repackaging flat paint for hobbyists
in 2 ounce bottles. It is priced at $5.25 per 2 ounce bottle, the
same as the regular Scalecoat line. Flat finish Scalecoat col-
ors currently available fromMotrak are White, Rust, Sand,
Railroad Grime #1, Railroad Grime #2, Engine Black, and Burnt
Orange. Motrak also carries the full line of regular Scalecoat
gloss paint. For additional information contact Motrak through
the above website or by calling Jeff Adam at 813-476-4784.
News column - 18
MRH-Oct 2013