observation-lounge, will be released in October. Each of the
eight cars will be decorated in a finish that simulates stainless
steel and matches Walthers previously released El Capitan
equipment. Additional features include accurate window tint-
ing. Except for the RPO and baggage cars, both lighted and
non-lighted versions of the HO scale ready-to-run models will
be offered.
The scheduled arrival of ten cars specific to the San Francisco
Chief will be one new car each month beginning with an
85’ Budd 46-seat coach in December. The monthly schedule
thereafter will be an 85’ P-S Hotevilla 4-4-2 sleeper (January);
85’ Budd Big Dome bar-lounge-dormitory car, above
(February); 75’ P-S baggage car (March); 83’ Budd 36-seat
diner (April); 85’ P-S Yampi 8-2-2 sleeper (May); 85’ P-S
Valley 6-4-4 sleeper (June); 85’ P-S Lunch counter-diner-dorm
(July); 85’ P-S Blue-series 10-3-2 sleeper (August); and an 85’
P-S Indian-series 24 duplex roomette sleeper (September).
Additional specifications and pricing on all of the cars and
locomotives is available on the above web site.
Walthers is selling a deluxe edition of the 12 San Francisco
Chief cars with LED interior lighting and more than 200 factory-
installed Preiser figures. Cars in the deluxe edition are priced
at $120.00 each with the exception of the Big Dome lounge-
dormitory ($125.00), and Valley 6-6-4 sleeper ($110.00). The
12 cars in the deluxe edition will make up an authentic consist
including a standard baggage car (no lights or figures), one of
each San Francisco Chief car, and one each of the matching Pine
and Regal sleepers. The deluxe edition is limited to 350 sets,
with each car arriving the same month as the standard model