available. Both 2-rail and 3-rail versions of the handcrafted O
scale brass model are due for release later this summer. The
tentative price is $1,200.00. For complete technical specifica-
tions and to make a reservation visit the above website.
Morgan Hill Models
) has
reissued its On30 scale 20’
boxcar with a choice of
board-by-board or scribed
exterior siding. Features
include tarpaper roof,
wood running board, truss
rods, nut-and-washer details, and Grandt Line grab irons. The
underbody and floor come preassembled. The kit is available
at $49.95 less trucks and couplers. Visit the above website for
additional details including a free shipping offer.
Mullet River Model Works
has four new kits for highly-detailed museum-quality O scale
trucks. Composed of multiple lost-wax brass parts, the kits
News column - 4
MRH-Jul 2013