46: Another postwar truck design with built-in
snubbers that enjoyed some success was the National
C-1. It was similar to the ASF A-3 except that the
friction wedges between bolster and side frames were
inverted, with the wedge springs above them.
prohibited the production of new and unproven designs with
what were then scarce materials. This restriction was with-
drawn by 1944, however, and the A-3 truck quickly rivaled
and eventually exceeded the popularity of the Barber S-2. It
was a self-aligning spring-plankless truck and, like the S-2, it
employed spring-loaded wedge type snubbers between the
bolster and side frames for ride control (44 and 45). As with
the Barber S-2, the ASF A-3 was licensed to other truck manu-
facturers, readily lent itself to the application of roller bearings,
and continues to be produced as a roller bearing truck.
Other postwar trucks with ride control features
Following World War II, the success of the Barber S-2 and ASF
A-3 trucks led a number of other truck manufacturers to design
their own trucks with built-in friction snubbers. Several examples
Freight Car Trucks - 18
are shown here and on the following page (46 through 50)
although none were remotely as successful as the S-2 and A-3.
47-50 (following page also): Other postwar trucks
with spring loaded snubbers included the Buckeye
C-R, the Scullin S-S, the Gould Double Stabilized,
and the Snub-Up. All rode better than conventional
trucks, but cost more and failed to attract a large
share of the market.
MRH-May 2013
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