What’s neat column - 3
Monday following the show, I shot the weathered freight
cars of Butch Eyler, Gary Christensen, and Jeff Meyers out-
doors, and then moved to my home layout dioramas to fea-
ture their work.
I also shot some of the models at the show on the white table-
cloths – with the owners' permission. After gathering plenty of
information on their layouts, I took video of the overall room to
create this RPM "What's neat this week" segment. That game
plan worked out well, and I will seek out additional talent to
2: Keith Hapes from Plano Products brought a large display
of hundreds of photo-etched detail parts for freight cars and
3: John O'Donnell from Olney, Illinois, shows weathered
freight cars by his company,
set up photo shoots with new modelers at the upcoming 2013
show, with modelers I’ve yet to meet.
Follow the photos and captions. and watch the video, to ex-
perience some of the show right now of the excitement of an
RPM meet.
Pictures continue on the following pages ...
MRH-Apr 2013
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