Yes, MRH is indexed
We’d also like to remind you MRH is indexed.
If you’re wondering what back issue something was in, just use
Rod Goodwin’s index:
We get several emails every week from someone asking for
help finding something in a back issue. So here you go – just
use the index!
Okay, so this
issue’s Publisher
Editorial took
an April Fool’s
joke approach
to MRH better
serving arm-
chair model-
ers (in case you
thought Joe was
If we graph the
results of our
2013 Reader
Survey, we can
see that about
70% of you are
building a layout
MRH staff notes - 3
(total of all the blue bars),  and 30% of you are not actively
involved in a layout right now (total of all the gold bars).
So all spoofing aside, how does MRH better serve that 30% of
you who are currently in armchair status?
Mike Dodd, one of MRH’s ever-vigilant copy editors, provided some
great thoughts around this topic in a recent staff discussion. Here’s
what Mike said:
“I think there are many reasons people are armchair modelers. To
name a few:
1. Satisfied with buying kits and occasionally building one. Or satis-
fied with displaying RTR models on a shelf or in a case.
2. More interested in historical research.
3. Actual or perceived lack of space/money/skill to build a layout.
MRH-Apr 2013
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