Course Correction
A place to build realistic models
ave you ever gotten started on a project, at work or
on the modeling bench, only to realize the results just
aren’t going to meet your expectations? That’s a little
bit like the way my HO scale home layout, which has the some-
what grandiose (but descriptive) moniker of “The Winooski
Subdivision of the Central Vermont Railway” has come to be.
It’s certainly been a journey, somewhat painful at times, but
the results are, at long last, meeting my expectations.
The railroad as it sits in our basement at this moment is con-
siderably different than the one I spent hours sketching while
waiting for our home to be built. Perhaps I rushed into the
building process too soon – (I remember “sketching” the out-
line of the benchwork with a stick in the dirt before the base-
ment floor was poured!) Make no mistake about, building a
large home layout is an involved, costly, and sometimes over-
whelming project and should not be entered into lightly.
Getting Real column
by Marty McGuirk
How I ditched the upper deck and learned to
love my layout again ...
Getting Real Column - 1
MRH-Mar 2013
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