36. MRH13-02-Feb2013-P - page 188

styrene strips, as I did, shown in Figure 2. One option is to not
have any of the roofwalk stanchions left, which was also done,
but the holes must be filled in. I would suggest using Squadron
Putty and sanding it flush to fit the roof profile. By this point in
the career of each caboose, the roof would have been tarred
many times to prevent leaks. This practice started in the mid-
1950s by the PRR. Also, the handholds molded onto the cupola
roof can be removed using a #11 blade. Once completed, glue
the cupola onto the roof as shown in the instructions. Once dry,
I also added Cal Scale #465 (Conrail Caboose Marker Lights) to
each end of the roof. This completes roof modifications.
Next are the ends. Using photos and actual measurements as a
guide, I removed all but three of the ladder rungs and grab irons,
1. Showing removal of the Ladder Rung Support. Can
be seen on the top roof, by darker circle where support
was removed.
Modeling Conrail Caboose - 2
MRH-Feb 2013
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