36. MRH13-02-Feb2013-P - page 166

“We have a set lineup for both sessions. I don’t remember the
exact number of trains. I think for the a.m. we run 18 trains
and on the p.m. session I think we run 17 total trains.”
“And you’re not running a fast clock here?”
“No. We’re running straight one to one time.”
“ … even so it will still take an hour and a half to get all
the way from one end of the railroad to the other …”
“ ... which is one of the advantages of a long main line.”
Rick and David:
“Let’s go look at the benchwork and the structure of the
layout itself. What standards do you have, say from the front of
the layout to the backdrop?”
Columbia Cascade &Western -
19: A helix will connect the east end of the railroad to
Albany/Bend staging that originates east- and west-bound
trains. At lower right is the upper-level “parking lot” built
for grain, wood chip, coal, and TOFC unit trains. The verti-
cal slot rack holds unused waybills.
MRH-Feb 2013
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