36. MRH13-02-Feb2013-P - page 155

of the positions, particularly staging the trains and dispatching
– which are challenges in their own right, certainly -- tend to be
the last to go. Obviously, we have to have both positions and
there are a lot of people qualified to do it. When you see the
trains running and how much enjoyment there is, you tend to
want to be out here running the railroad.”
“Dispatcher. Is there a training program for that job,
or is it just somebody who thinks they’ve been around here
long enough?”
“The dispatching, when we first started running trains,
was like, okay who wants to do this? We had one particular
12: The dispatcher’s office is in the club’s meeting room
and workshop, in a separate basement across a courtyard
from the layout space. The extension phone, originally used
on the Southern Pacific, was re-wired to work with FRS
radios and is controlled with a foot switch.
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