36. MRH13-02-Feb2013-P - page 141

4: ALCo diesels like the 442 rolling east through Tallman
are popular on the CC&W. Some were acquired from the
neighboring Spokane, Portland & Seattle after its merger
into the Burlington Northern.
“Then there was a flood upstairs in the kitchen -- it flooded 90%
of the ceiling. We realized we were going to have to eliminate the
layout in order to fix the ceiling. We decided at that time, then,
okay, since we were going to do that, let’s go ahead and go into
the other basement and do that excavation project.
“In five years we actually got it done. We started benchwork con-
struction in early 2009 on the current layout.”
“When you say excavation, howmuch material are we talk-
ing about?”
“Well, I don’t remember exactly. What I can tell you is we
took out approximately 32 full dump truck loads of dirt inside
about five years.”
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