36. MRH13-02-Feb2013-P - page 116

his month’s “What’s neat this week” features the
weathering artistry of Butch Eyler of Biglerville,
Butch came to the St Louis Railroad Prototype Modelers Meet
in July 2012 to show his artistic weathering talents to like-
minded modelers. He agreed to bring some of his models to
my outdoor studio where I could photograph them in modeled
scenes to present them to MRH readers.
Butch, 57 years old, has been self-employed as a sign artist
since he was 16 years old. He received his first train set when
he was 10 but did not get really serious about modeling until
his 30s, when he got involved with a train club. That is where
he learned the basics of weathering, but always wanted to
take it further than a few airbrush strokes along the side sill
and wheels. Being a sign painter, he had a keen respect and
What’s neat column - 2
MRH-Feb 2013
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