35. MRH13-01-Jan2013-P - page 11

Publisher’s editorial-2
We hope you find our new
mobile-friendly version to be
a great way to catch up on
your MRH reading while on
the go.
As we continue to evolve
MRH, we’re not just think-
ing about techno-geek stuff.
We’re also masterminding
better ways to bring you
superior content with the
most effective solutions to
your model challenges that
we can present.
One example of this is
our new
Yes, it’s a model
monthly photo feature.
We’re seeing a lot of inspir-
ing modeling posts on the
MRH website these days,
so we’re using this new
monthly feature to give you
a heads up from the best
modeling posts on our site.
We also expect to start pub-
lishing ad-free eBooks this
year. Some of the eBooks will
be republished MRH content
organized by topic. Other
eBooks will be all-new mate-
rial we’ve never published
When talking
to hobby
to mention
1...,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,...279
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